This day is all about celebrating the centerpiece of holiday decorations: the Christmas tree! The origins of Christmas trees can be traced to German traditions. National Christmas Tree Day (celebrated on December 8) offers a special moment to celebrate this iconic symbol.

  1. TINY TREE FOREST: Use recycled items like paper cups and green paper to create miniature “forests.” Decorate each tree uniquely, letting kids exercise creativity.

  2. NATURE WALK TO COLLECT TREE DECORATIONS: Take a winter walk to collect natural elements—pinecones, leaves, or small twigs—to make eco-friendly decorations for your Christmas tree.

  3. FAMILY TREE STORIES: Make a “Family Christmas Tree Storybook” by writing about past holiday memories. Kids can illustrate each story, turning adding to the book into an annual tradition.

  4. CAROLS AROUND THE TREE: Choose a few favorite songs and have a mini “concert” by the tree. Dress up or use instruments for extra fun! This is also a great chance to teach your children “O Tannebaum.”

  5. TREE-THEMED CRAFTS: Set up a craft station for ornaments, using popsicle sticks, pinecones, and ribbons, etc. to create decorations for the tree. Don’t forget the classic stringing popcorn or cranberries.

Mary Mayxmas activity ideas