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May Day | Pretty in Pink

May 1, 2017

The May Basket count continues to grow each year. Nine for grandchildren (includes a boyfriend and girlfriend) - and one for my sweetheart Keith. May Day is our special family holiday. Keith and I started dating when we were 17, so we’ve had a lot of May Baskets over the years.

After I finished assembling May Day baskets for the grandchildren, we “doorbell ditched” them at our grandchildren’s houses. It is so funny, they are at the age where they know exactly what’s going on but play along like they are confused and shocked and can’t possibly guess who might be hiding somewhere after dropping off the May Baskets. It’s pretty cute. When they discover us hiding in the bushes, behind a tree, or around the corner of the house, we relish the hugs and savor this sweet Spring ritual. I really am a flash now at ringing the bell and running to hide - but my camera and arm sticking out from the sides of buildings and porch furniture got me busted by kids at both houses this year.

On our way home from visiting Keith’s mom in Appleton, we stopped for a great little May Day lunch at Johnny Rockets where we enjoyed the 50’s vibe and fabulous tunes. It complemented our nostalgia for May Days gone by. When we returned home, Keith found his May Basket on the door knob filled with flowers and candy. Somebody loves him. A lot.